Business / Finance / Tax Status Election: Computer software designed to assist taxpayers in filling out tax returns and minimizing tax liability.
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Election Adjective Synonyms: poll, vote, referendum, plebiscite, selection, choice, choosing, nomination, designation, appointment, voting, electing
Status Verb Synonyms: eminence, prominence, pre-eminence, standing, stature, importance, significance, repute, reputation, rank, station
Tax Noun Synonyms: assess, exact, demand, charge, impose or levy a tax (on), tithe
Tax Adjective Synonyms: levy, impost, duty, tariff, assessment, tribute, toll, excise, customs, charge, contribution, scot, tithe, octroi, cess, rate(s), dues
Business / Debt / Tax Credits: Tax you receive back in certain circumstances, e.g. pension credit, child tax credit and working tax credit. MORE
Business / Accounting / Tax Credit: An amount that a taxpayer who meets certain criteria can subtract from tax owed. Examples include a credit for earned income below a certain limit and for qualified post-secondary school expenses. (Se MORE
Business / Accounting / Tax Deduction: An expense that a taxpayer can subtract from taxable income. Examples include deductions for home mortgage interest and for charitable gifts. (See Tax Credit, Tax Exemption.) Tax Deferred Investments MORE
Business / Real Estate / Tax Deed: An instrument, similar to a certificate of sale, given to a purchaser at a tax sale. MORE
Business / Taxes / Tax Deferred: A tax-deferred account allows you to postpone income tax that would otherwise be due on employment or investment earnings you hold in the account until some point the future, often when you retire. Fo MORE
Business / Finance / Tax Deferral Option: An expense that a taxpayer is allowed to deduct from taxable income. MORE