Business / Finance / Taking A View: A fee paid to an underwriter in connection with an underwritten rights offering or an underwritten forced conversion. Represents compensation for each share of common stock the underwriter obtains and must resell upon the exercise of rights or conversion of bonds.
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Taking Noun Synonyms: attractive, alluring, engaging, captivating, winning, winsome, charming, entrancing, enchanting, bewitching, fetching, fascinating, delightful, irresistible, compelling, intriguing, prepossessing
View Verb Synonyms: outlook, aspect, prospect, scene, perspective, vista, panorama, spectacle, picture, tableau, landscape, seascape, cityscape
View Noun Synonyms: opinion, point of view, approach, position, judgment, belief, way of thinking, conception, understanding, impression, feeling, sentiment, notion
View Adjective Synonyms: aspect, angle, position, prospect, perspective, vision, representation, projection
Entertainment / Photography / Paraphenylenediamine: Reducing agent used in some fine grain and color developers. MORE
Business / Construction / Parapet: A wall placed at the edge of a roof to prevent people from falling off. MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Parapatric Speciation: The differentiation into distinct species of populations experiencing some gene flow MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Paranomasia: The technical Greek term for what English-speakers commonly refer to as a 'pun.' See extended discussion under pun, below. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Paraphotography: General term for non-silver-halide image forming processes. MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Paraphrase: A brief restatement in one's own words of all or part of a literary or critical work, as opposed to quotation, in which one reproduces all or part of a literary or critical work word-for-word, exactly MORE