Business / Finance / Symbol Book Special: Letters used to identify companies on the consolidated tape and other locations.
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Book Noun Synonyms: volume, tome, work, publication, hard-cover, soft-cover, paperback
Book Verb Synonyms: engage, reserve, earmark, ticket, order, register, enrol, list, enlist, log, record, post
Special Noun Synonyms: significant, important, momentous, earth-shaking, memorable, red-letter, gala, festive, celebratory
Special Verb Synonyms: particular, specific, exceptional, uncommon, especial, rare, unusual, out of the ordinary, extraordinary, different, unorthodox, unconventional, unique, precise, individual, singular, distinctive, specialized, certain, remarkable, inimitable, idiosyncrati
Special Adjective Synonyms: dear, intimate, particular, good, close, bosom, staunch, loyal, faithful, devoted, steadfast, dearest, best, closest, esteemed, valued
Symbol Adjective Synonyms: representation, figure, metaphor, allegory, insigne (singular, plural is insignia), token, sign, emblem, badge, image, logotype, mark, trade mark, colophon, brand, code, abbreviation, phonogram, initialism, cryptogram, acronym, monogram, password, shibbol
Health / Disease / Special Populations: People who might be more sensitive or susceptible to exposure to hazardous substances because of factors such as age, occupation, sex, or behaviors (for example, cigarette smoking). Children, pregnant MORE
Technology / Motors / Special Purpose Motor: Motor with special operating characteristics or special mechanical construction, or both, designed for a particular application and not falling within the definition of a general purpose or definite p MORE
Business / Agriculture / Special Review: Formerly known as Rebuttable Presumption Against Registration (RPAR), this is a regulatory process through which existing pesticides suspected of posing unreasonable risks to human health, non-target MORE
Business / Accounting / Special Order: An order that may be priced below the normal price in order to utilize excess capacity and thereby contribute to company profits. MORE
Lifestyle / Adoption / Special Needs Children: Children whose emotional or physical disorders, age, race, membership in a sibling group, a history of abuse or other factors contribute to a lengthy stay in foster care. Guidelines for classifying a MORE
Business / Real Estate / Special Limitation: A fee simple estate may also be qualified by a special limitation. The estate ends automatically upon the current owners failure to comply with the limitation. The former owner retains a possibility o MORE