Business / Finance / Standard Deduction: The method of calculating cost of sales that compares the amounts of materials, direct labor and overhead projected in the Cost of Sales assumption (the standard costs) to expenses allocated to the Production department in the Expenses, Property, Plant and Equipment, Payroll and Benefits, and Other Assets assumptions (the variances).
Search Google for Standard Deduction:
Deduction Noun Synonyms: conclusion, inference, finding, reasoning, result
Deduction Verb Synonyms: subtraction, diminution, decrease, reduction, withdrawal, removal, abstraction
Standard Noun Synonyms: criterion, measure, benchmark, model, pattern, archetype, touchstone, yardstick, gauge, guide, guideline, paradigm, paragon, exemplar, example, sample, type, ideal, beau id‚al, rule, canon, law, requirement, precept, principle
Business / Agriculture / Deductions (Food Stamps): When calculating a household?€™s monthly food stamp benefit, food stamp rules require calculation of its net income, with lower net income amounts (larger deductions) producing higher food stamp b MORE
Business / Finance / Standard Industrial Classification (SIC): In statistics, a measure of the possible error in an estimate. Plus or minus 2 standard errors usually provides a 95% confidence interval. MORE
Science / Chemistry / Standard Hydrogen Electrode: A platinum electrode that runs the half reaction 2 H+(aq, 1M) + 2 e- rightarrow H2(g, 1 atm), chosen as a reference for cell voltages. The electrode potential of the standard hydrogen electrode is def MORE