Business / Finance / Sole Proprietorship: Unavailability of a futures contract in a particular commodity or maturity date because of contract executions and limited offerings.
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Sole Noun Synonyms: lone, only, singular, unique, solitary, particular, exclusive, individual, personal
Business / Agriculture / Sole Source Bid: This refers to the required bidding process for infant formula sold through the WIC program. It offers an infant formula manufacturer the option of bidding to be the only provider of infant formula co MORE
Business / Finance / Sole Proprietorship: Unavailability of a futures contract in a particular commodity or maturity date because of contract executions and limited offerings. MORE
Business / Accounting / Sole Trader: See Sole-proprietor . MORE
Business / Accounting / Sole-Proprietor: The self-employed owner of a business (see Self-employed ). MORE
Life Style / Wine / Solera (Spain): Primarily a method employed in the production of Sherry, the solera system may also be found in use in Languedoc-Roussillon and anywhere else involved in the production of fortified wines such as Made MORE