Small Issues Exemption

Business / Finance / Small Issues Exemption: An individual person investing in small quantities of stock or bonds. This group of investors makes up a minimal fraction of total stock ownership.
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Other Words for Exemption

Exemption Verb Synonyms: exception, immunity, freedom, release, impunity, dispensation, exclusion

Other Words for Small

Small Verb Synonyms: little, tiny, short, diminutive, petite, mignon(ne), wee, teeny, elfin, Lilliputian, midget, miniature, minute, minuscule, baby, bantam, pocket(-sized), mini, undersized, immature, young, under age, pint-sized, peewee
Small Adjective Synonyms: slight, secondary, insignificant, trivial, inconsequential, lesser, puny, negligible, minor, trifling, unimportant, paltry, nugatory
Small Noun Synonyms: skimpy, niggardly, stingy, uncharitable, ungenerous, scanty, meager, cheap, petty, parsimonious, grudging, stinting, selfish, miserly, tight, tight-fisted, close-fisted, close, poor, insignificant, inadequate, insufficient, unsatisfactory, negligible, tri

Small Muscle Group Exercise

Health / Fitness / Small Muscle Group Exercise: Single joint movement and isolation exercises (i.e. Bicep curls, tricep pressdowns and leg extensions). MORE

Small Order Execution System (SOES)

Business / Finance / Small Order Execution System (SOES): Securities issues that involve less than $1.5 million are not required to file a registration statement with the SEC. Instead, they are governed by Regulation A, for which only a brief offering statem MORE

Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Module (SODIMM)

Technology / Computers / Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Module (SODIMM): These memory modules are typically used in laptop and notebook computers where space and low power consumption is a major consideration. SODIMM's are about half the size of its DIMM counterpart. MORE

Small Issues Exemption

Business / Finance / Small Issues Exemption: An individual person investing in small quantities of stock or bonds. This group of investors makes up a minimal fraction of total stock ownership. MORE

Small Investor

Business / Finance / Small Investor: A temporary fall in performance, often describing consistently falling security prices for several weeks or months. MORE

Small Group

Health / Health Insurance / Small Group: Although each MCO's size limit may vary, generally a group composed of 2 to 99 members for which health coverage is provided by the group sponsor. MORE