Simple Linear Trend Model

Business / Finance / Simple Linear Trend Model: A regression analysis between only two variables, one dependent and the other explanatory.
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Other Words for Model

Model Noun Synonyms: representation, replica, mock-up, maquette, scale model, working model, miniature, dummy, image, likeness, facsimile, copy
Model Verb Synonyms: copy, imitation, facsimile, representative, miniature

Other Words for Simple

Simple Adjective Synonyms: unsophisticated, naive, slow, slow-witted, stupid, thick, thickheaded, simple-minded, feeble-minded, oafish, bovine, dense, obtuse, dull, dull-witted, witless, halfwitted, brainless, backward, imbecilic or imbecile, cretinous, dumb, mo
Simple Verb Synonyms: uncomplicated, plain, uninvolved, unsophisticated, understandable, intelligible, (easily) understood, comprehensible, clear, lucid, straightforward, easy, elementary, basic

Other Words for Trend

Trend Noun Synonyms: tendency, leaning, bias, bent, drift, course, inclination, direction
Trend Adjective Synonyms: fashion, style, vogue, mode, look, rage, fad, craze, thing

Simple IRA

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Simple Linear Regression

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