Business / Finance / Shelf Registration: A procedure that allows firms to file one registration statement covering several issues of the same security. SEC Rule 415, adopted in the 1980s, allows a corporation to comply with registration requirements up to two years prior to a public offering of securities. With the registration 'on the shelf,' the corporation, by simply updating regularly filed annual, quarterly, and related reports to the SEC, can go to the market as conditions become favorable with a minimum of administrative preparation and expense.
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Entertainment / Photography / Shelf Life: Length of time unused material or chemicals will remain fresh. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Reregistration: The reevaluation and reapproval by the Environmental Protection Agency of pesticides originally registered prior to 1984. The purpose of reregistration is to evaluate and approve the older formulation MORE
Business / Finance / Shelf Offering: Offering of registered securities covered by a prospectus whose distribution is not underwritten on a firm commitment basis. The shares may be sold in one block or in small amounts from time to time i MORE