Rule Noun Synonyms: direct, guide, manage, control, lead, head (up), preside (over), superintend, oversee, supervise, regulate, govern, run
Rule Verb Synonyms: regulation, order, law, ordinance, ruling, decree, ukase, statute, principle, direction, guide, guideline, precept
Business / Finance / Rule 144a: SEC rule allowing qualified institutional buyers to buy and trade unregistered securities. MORE
Business / Finance / Rule 144: Restricts solicitation of buyers to complete the sell order of an insider (unless the firm is already a buyer); signified by a flashing 'E' on Quotron. MORE
Business / Finance / Rule 14-D: Often used in risk arbitrage. Regulations and restrictions covering public tender offers and related disclosure requirements. MORE
Business / Finance / Rule 405: NYSE codification of 'know your customer' rules, which require that a customer's situation is suitable for any investment being made. MORE
Business / Finance / Rule 415: Permits corporations to file a registration for securities they intend to issue in the future when market conditions are favorable. See: Shelf registration. MORE
Business / Taxes / Rule Of 78: A practice, called the Rule of 78, means that lenders front-load the interest they charge on a short-term loan to guarantee their profit if you pay off your loan before the end of its term. In other w MORE