Risk Indexes

Business / Finance / Risk Indexes: Categories of risk used to calculate fundamental beta, including (1) market variability, (2) earnings variability, (3) low valuation, (4) immaturity and smallness, (5) growth orientation, and (6) financial risk.
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Other Words for Risk

Risk Noun Synonyms: danger, peril, jeopardy, hazard, chance, gamble

Risk Premium

Business / Finance / Risk Premium: The reward for holding the risky equity market portfolio rather than the risk-free asset. The spread between Treasury and non-Treasury bonds of comparable maturity. MORE

Risk Premium Approach

Business / Finance / Risk Premium Approach: A common approach for tactical asset allocation to determine the relative valuation of asset classes based on expected returns. MORE

Risk Ratio

Business / Taxes / Risk Ratio: Some investors and financial analysts try to estimate the risk an investment poses by speculating on how much the investment is likely to increase in value as opposed to how much it could decline. For MORE

Risk Management Agency

Business / Agriculture / Risk Management Agency: An independent office within USDA that is responsible for the supervision of the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation: the administration and oversight of the federal crop insurance program and any pilo MORE

Risk Management

Business / Accounting / Risk Management: Procedures to minimize the adverse effect of a possible financial loss by: 1) identifying potential sources of loss: 2) measuring the financial consequences of a loss occurring: and 3) using controls MORE

Risk Indexes

Business / Finance / Risk Indexes: Categories of risk used to calculate fundamental beta, including (1) market variability, (2) earnings variability, (3) low valuation, (4) immaturity and smallness, (5) growth orientation, and (6) fina MORE