Reverse Price Risk

Business / Finance / Reverse Price Risk: A type of mortgage pipeline risk that occurs when a lender commits to sell loans to an investor at rates prevailing at the time of mortgage application but sets the note rates when the borrowers closes. The lender is thus exposed to the risk of falling rates.
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Other Words for Price

Price Noun Synonyms: charge, cost, expense, expenditure, outlay, payment, amount, figure, fee, quotation, appraisal, value, valuation, evaluation, worth
Price Verb Synonyms: sacrifice, toll, penalty, cost, consequence

Other Words for Reverse

Reverse Verb Synonyms: back up, move or go backwards or also backward, backtrack, make sternway
Reverse Noun Synonyms: opposite, contrary, inverse, converse, inverted, upside down, mirror, reversed, backward
Reverse Adjective Synonyms: alter, change, modify, renounce, recant, take back

Other Words for Risk

Risk Noun Synonyms: danger, peril, jeopardy, hazard, chance, gamble

Reverse A Swap

Business / Finance / Reverse A Swap: Reswap of bonds to gain the advantage of a yield spread or tax loss and restore a bond portfolio to its position before the original swap. MORE


Entertainment / Bowling / Reverse: A severe backup. MORE

Retail Price

Business / Finance / Retail Price: The total price charged for a product sold to a customer, which includes the manufacturer's cost plus a retail markup. MORE

Reverse Block

Entertainment / Bowling / Reverse Block: For most people, a very difficult lane condition in which the boards closer to the gutter are heavily oiled, while those in the center are dry. The difficulty is that if the ball is thrown in the cent MORE

Reverse Bohr Effect

Science / Marine Biology / Reverse Bohr Effect: Effect that occurs when lactate builds up in the blood of certain invertebrates and ph decreases, increasing the affinity of hemocyanin for oxygen MORE

Reverse Discrimination

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Reverse Discrimination: Employment policies or practices that result in discriminatory treatment against applicants or employees who are not minorities or members of a disadvantaged group. MORE