Business / Finance / Retained Earnings Statement: A statement of all transactions affecting the balance of a company's retained earnings account.
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Earnings Noun Synonyms: wages, salary, income, compensation, pay, stipend, emolument, proceeds, return, revenue, yield, takings, take
Statement Adjective Synonyms: assertion, allegation, declaration, expression, report, account, affirmation, asseveration, averral, announcement, annunciation, proclamation, utterance, communication, disclosure
Business / Finance / Profit and Loss Statement (P and L): Another term for the income statement. MORE
Business / Finance / Prospective Earnings Growth (PEG Ratio): Based on forecasts from proprietary sources such as Institutional Brokers' Estimate System (IBES), First Call, or Zach's. Growth is forecast of earnings minus current earnings divided by current earni MORE
Business / Real Estate / Profit And Loss Statement: A detailed statement of income and expenses of a business that reveals the operating position of the business over a period of time. Commonly referred to a P&L. MORE
Business / Finance / Pro-Forma Financial Statements: A set of financial statements and other schedules that show projected results for a future period. They are called pro-forma financial statements because they have the form of financial statements, bu MORE
Business / Finance / Pro Forma Statement: A financial statement showing the forecast or projected operating results and balance sheet, as in pro forma income statements, balance sheets, and statements of cash flows. MORE
Business / Accounting / Pro-Forma Accounts (Pro-Forma Financial Statements): A set of accounts prepared before the accounts have been officially audited. Often done for internal purposes or to brief shareholders or the press. MORE