Business / Finance / Registered Representative: A person registered with the CFTC who is employed by and solicits business for a commission house or futures commission merchant.
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Representative Adjective Synonyms: agent, (travelling) salesman or saleswoman, rep
Representative Noun Synonyms: symbolic, typical, characteristic, emblematic, archetypal, evocative, illustrative
Business / Finance / Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP): Tax-sheltered retirement plan for Canadian citizens, much like an American IRA. MORE
Lifestyle / Travel / Gross Registered Tonnage (Grt): A measurement of the enclosed space in a ship. Cruise ships in the 70,000 ton range are considered ' superliners '. MORE
Business / Finance / Registered Options Trader: An American Stock Exchange specialist who monitors a certain group of options to help maintain a fair and orderly market. MORE
Business / Finance / Registered Secondary Offering: A reoffering of a large block of securities, previously publicly issued, by the holder of a large portion of some corporation through an investment firm. MORE
Business / Finance / Registered Security: Used in the context of general equities. Securities whose owner's name is recorded on the books of the issuer or the issuer's agent, called a registrar. MORE
Business / Agriculture / United States Trade Representative (USTR): The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, originally Office of the Special Trade Representative (STR), is responsible for developing and coordinating international trade, commodity, and direct inve MORE