Business / Finance / Production Rate: The coupon rate at which a pass-through security guaranteed by Ginnie Mae is issued.
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Production Noun Synonyms: producing, manufacture, manufacturing, making, fabrication, preparation, origination, creation, output, putting out, development, formation, forming, forging, shaping, moulding, casting, assembly, building, construction
Rate Noun Synonyms: rank, grade, class, classify, evaluate, estimate, calculate, compute, count, reckon, judge, gauge, assess, appraise, measure
Rate Verb Synonyms: measure, pace, gait, speed, velocity, clip
Technology / Television (TV) / Pre-Production: The written planning stages of the program (script preparation, budgeting, etc.). MORE
Business / Finance / Pre-Tax Rate Of Return: Gain on a security before taxes. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Potassium Citrate: Chemical used in blue and green toners. MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Post-Production: Everything (e.g., editing, sound effects) that transpires after the program itself has been shot. MORE
Entertainment / Video Games / Post Production: A phase in the creation of a game that occurs after all the graphics, sounds, and code have been created. During this phase, the majority of the development staff has moved on to other projects, but t MORE
Business / Agriculture / Preproduction Expenses: Expenses incurred prior to the period when a farm activity begins producing, primarily raising orchard trees or breeding animals. MORE