Business / Finance / Price-Volume Relationship: A relationship espoused by some technical analysts that signals continuing rises or falls in security prices that are related to changes in volume traded.
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Business / Finance / Put-Call Parity Relationship: The relationship between the price of a put and the price of a call on the same underlying security with the same expiration date, which prevents arbitrage opportunities. Holding the underlying stock MORE
Science / Chemistry / Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship: A mathematical connection between chemical structure and biological activity, established by statistical analysis or pattern recognition techniques. MORE
Technology / Email / Relationship Email: An email message that refers to a commercial action -- a purchase, complaint or customer-support request -- based on a business relationship between the sender and recipient. Generally are not covered MORE
Business / Finance / Principal-Agent Relationship: Occurs when one person, an agent, acts on the behalf of another person, the principal. MORE
Business / Finance / Price-Volume Relationship: A relationship espoused by some technical analysts that signals continuing rises or falls in security prices that are related to changes in volume traded. MORE
Health / Disease / Dose-Response Relationship: The relationship between the amount of exposure [dose] to a substance and the resulting changes in body function or health (response). MORE