Present Value Factor

Business / Finance / Present Value Factor: Factor used to calculate an estimate of the present value of an amount to be received in a future period. If the opportunity cost of funds is 10% over next year, the factor is [1/(1 + 0.10)].
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Other Words for Factor

Factor Adjective Synonyms: constituent, ingredient, element, part, particular, piece, component, circumstance, consideration, aspect, fact, influence, determinant, cause

Other Words for Present

Present Noun Synonyms: current, contemporary, present-day, existing, existent, up to date, now
Present Verb Synonyms: give (out), award, confer (on), bestow (on), turn or hand over, grant, provide, furnish, dispense, distribute, dole out, pass out, deal out, mete out

Present Value

Business / Finance / Present Value: The amount of cash today that is equivalent in value to a payment, or to a stream of payments, to be received in the future. To determine the present value, each future cash flow is multiplied by a pr MORE

Proportional Representation

Business / Finance / Proportional Representation: A method of stockholder voting that allows minority shareholders and groups of small shareholders to have a better chance of getting representation on a board of directors than under statutory voting. MORE

Private Market Value (PMV)

Business / Finance / Private Market Value (PMV): The break-up market value of all divisions of a company if divisions were each independent and established their own market stock prices. MORE

Protective Factors

Lifestyle / Adoption / Protective Factors: Strengths and resources that appear to mediate or serve as a 'buffer' against risk factors that contribute to vulnerability to maltreatment or against the negative effects of maltreatment experiences. MORE

R Factor Or Value

Business / Construction / R Factor Or Value: A measure of a materials resistance to the passage of heat. New homewalls are usually insulated with 4' of batt insulation with an R value of R-13, and a ceiling insulation of R-30. MORE

R Value

Business / Construction / R Value: A measure of insulation. A measure of a materials resistance to the passage of heat. The higher the R value, the more insulating 'power' it has. For example, typical new home's walls are usually insul MORE