Policy Asset Allocation

Business / Finance / Policy Asset Allocation: Way in which an investor seeks to assess an appropriate long-term 'normal' mix of assets that represents an ideal blend of controlled risk and enhanced return.
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Other Words for Asset

Asset Noun Synonyms: talent, strength, advantage, resource, benefit

Other Words for Policy

Policy Verb Synonyms: approach, procedure, (game) plan, design, scheme, programme, method, system, management, conduct, behavior, strategy, tactic(s), principle(s), protocol, regulation, rule, custom, way, practice, ways and means, action

No Net Loss Wetlands Policy

Business / Agriculture / No Net Loss Wetlands Policy: An overall policy goal for wetland protection first adopted by the Bush Administration, and more recently by the Clinton Administration. The goal is to halt the decline in the overall number of wetlan MORE

Non-Current Assets

Business / Finance / Non-Current Assets: Assets that are not convertible to cash within one year in the normal course of business. Property and Goodwill are examples of non-current assets. See also current assets. MORE

Noncurrent Asset

Business / Finance / Noncurrent Asset: Any asset that is expected to be held for the whole year, not sold or exchanged, such as real estate, machinery, or a patent. MORE

Nonfinancial Assets

Business / Finance / Nonfinancial Assets: Physical assets such as real estate and machinery. MORE

Net Tangible Assets Per Share

Business / Finance / Net Tangible Assets Per Share: All of a company's assets except patents, trademarks, and other intangible assets minus all liabilities and the par value of preferred stock, divided by the number of shares outstanding. MORE

Net Quick Assets

Business / Finance / Net Quick Assets: Cash, marketable securities, and accounts receivable less current liabilities. MORE