Performance Attribution Analysis

Business / Finance / Performance Attribution Analysis: The decomposition of a money manager's performance results to explain the reasons why those results were achieved. This analysis seeks to answer questions such as: (1) What were the major sources of added value? (2) Was short-term factor timing statistically significant? (3) Was market timing statistically significant? and (4), was security selection statistically significant?
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Other Words for Analysis

Analysis Noun Synonyms: examination, investigation, study, scrutiny, enquiry or inquiry, dissection, assay, breakdown, division

Other Words for Attribution

Attribution Noun Synonyms: assignment, ascription, credit

Other Words for Performance

Performance Verb Synonyms: execution, completion, bringing off or about, accomplishment, effectuation, carrying out, discharge, dispatch, conduct, carrying-on, doing, fulfilment
Performance Noun Synonyms: playing, acting, interpretation, presentation, portrayal

BARRAs Performance Analysis (PERFAN)

Business / Finance / BARRAs Performance Analysis (PERFAN): A method developed by BARRA, a consulting firm in Berkeley, Calif. It is commonly used by institutional investors applying performance attribution analysis to evaluate their money managers' performanc MORE

Performance Evaluation

Business / Finance / Performance Evaluation: The assessment of a manager's results, which involves, first, determining whether the money manager added value by outperforming the established benchmark (performance measurement) and, second, determ MORE

Performance Measurement

Business / Finance / Performance Measurement: Calculation of the return a money manager realizes over some time interval. MORE