Business / Finance / Participating Fees: The portion of total fees in a syndicated credit that go to the participating banks.
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Business / Finance / Participating Preferred Stock: Preferred stock that provides the holder with a specified dividend plus the right to additional earnings under specified conditions. MORE
Health / Dentistry / Participating Provider: A physician, hospital, pharmacy, laboratory or other appropriately licensed facility or provider of health care services or supplies that has entered into an agreement with a managed care entity to pr MORE
Business / Taxes / Participating Policy: When policyholders have what is called a participating policy from a mutual insurance company, they are eligible to receive dividends based on the company?€™s financial performance. When claims ar MORE
Business / Finance / Participating Life Insurance Policies: Life insurance that pays dividends to policyholders depending on the company's success as provided by few claims and profitable underwritings and investments. MORE
Business / Finance / Participating GIC: A guaranteed investment contract whose policyholder is not guaranteed a crediting rate, but instead receives a return based on the actual experience of the portfolio managed by the life insurance comp MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Reasonable And Customary Fees: The average fee charged by a particular type of health care practitioner within a geographic area. The term is often used by medical plans as the amount of money they will approve for a specific test MORE