Parity Value

Business / Finance / Parity Value: Related: Conversion value
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Other Words for Parity

Parity Noun Synonyms: equality, equivalence, consistency, uniformity, par, likeness, similarity, analogy, congruity, similitude, conformity, congruence

R Factor Or Value

Business / Construction / R Factor Or Value: A measure of a materials resistance to the passage of heat. New homewalls are usually insulated with 4' of batt insulation with an R value of R-13, and a ceiling insulation of R-30. MORE

R Value

Business / Construction / R Value: A measure of insulation. A measure of a materials resistance to the passage of heat. The higher the R value, the more insulating 'power' it has. For example, typical new home's walls are usually insul MORE


Business / Real Estate / R-Value: A term used to describe the effectiveness of various kinds of insulation to indicate their resistance to heat flow. If more than one layer of insulation is used, the R-value of the individual layers a MORE

Put-Call Parity Relationship

Business / Finance / Put-Call Parity Relationship: The relationship between the price of a put and the price of a call on the same underlying security with the same expiration date, which prevents arbitrage opportunities. Holding the underlying stock MORE

Put-Call Parity

Business / Finance / Put-Call Parity: Applies to derivative products. Option pricing principle that says, given a stock's price, a put and call of the same class must have a static price relationship because arbitrage opportunities or act MORE

Principal (Face Value Or Maturity Value)

Business / Accounting / Principal (Face Value Or Maturity Value): The amount that will be paid on a bond at a maturity date. The original amount of money invested, excluding any interest or dividends (e.g., $1,000 to purchase a Treasury bill). MORE