Business / Finance / Organization Chart: A chart showing the hierarchical interrelationships of positions within an organization.
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Chart Noun Synonyms: sea-chart, map
Chart Verb Synonyms: plot, plan, map (out), design
Organization Adjective Synonyms: organizing, structuring, assembling, assembly, putting together, coordination, systematizing, systematization, classifying, classification, categorizing, categorization, codifying, codification
Organization Noun Synonyms: structure, pattern, configuration, design, plan, scheme, order, system, organism, composition, arrangement, constitution, make-up, grouping, framework, format, form, shape
Entertainment / Photography / Patch Chart: Squared pattern test strip often made when color printing by the additive method. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Pareto Chart: A bar graph used to rank in order of importance information such as causes or reasons for specific problems, so that measures for process improvement can be established. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Organizational Unit: An organizational unit is any component that is part of the contractor's corporate structure. In a more traditional organization, it might be a department, division, section, branch or group. In a les MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Organizational Transformation: Refers to organization-wide changes, such as restructuring operations, introducing new technologies, processes, services or products, implementing new programs, re-engineering, etc. MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Peer Review Organizations (Pros): According to the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, organizations or groups of practicing physicians and other healthcare professionals paid by the federal government to review and evaluate the services pro MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Physician-Hospital Organization (PHO): A joint venture between a hospital and many or all of its admitting physicians whose primary purpose is contract negotiations with MCOs and marketing. MORE