Not A Name With Us

Business / Finance / Not A Name With Us: Refers to over-the-counter trading. Not a registered market maker in the security, especially in OTC and convertibles, or having nothing real to do.
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Other Words for Name

Name Adjective Synonyms: designation, label, appellation, term, tag, style, moniker or monicker, handle
Name Noun Synonyms: personage, somebody, celebrity, star, superstar, hero, VIP, dignitary, luminary, big shot, bigwig, big cheese, big name


Science / Psychiatry / Paramnesia: distorted recall leading to falsification of memory e.g. confabulation, d?©j?  vu, d?©j?  pens?©, jamais vu, retrospective falsification MORE

Parametric Equalizer

Technology / Home Audio / Parametric Equalizer: A multi-band equalizer enabeling control of at least three essential 'parameters' of the internal bandpass filter sections. These parameters being: amplitude, center frequency and bandwidth. This allo MORE


Business / Finance / Parameter: A model is a combination of variables, such as GDP growth, and coefficients which multiply these variables. The coefficients are often estimated from the data. The coefficients are called parameters. MORE


Health / First Aid / Paramedic: Paramedics provide advanced life support to victims. Paramedics may work in the emergency department, fire department, public gatherings and factories. MORE


Science / Psychiatry / Paranoia: (par-a-noy-a) A mental state that includes unreasonable suspicions of people and situations. A person who is paranoid may be suspicious, hostile, feel very important, or may become extremely sensitive MORE

Paranoid Ideation

Science / Psychiatry / Paranoid Ideation: Ideation, of less than delusional proportions, involving suspiciousness or the belief that one is being harassed, persecuted, or unfairly treated. MORE