Net Cash Provided By Operations

Business / Finance / Net Cash Provided By Operations: On a cash flow statement, net income plus non-cash transactions and the net amount of changes in operating assets and liabilities.
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Other Words for By

By Preposition Synonyms: near, beside, next to, close to, alongside
By Adverb Synonyms: past, nearby

Other Words for Cash

Cash Noun Synonyms: money, currency, bills, notes, banknotes, change, hard cash or money, specie, coin of the realm, legal tender, moolah, dough, bread, loot, spondulicks or spondulix, lolly, ready, readies, scratch, gelt

Other Words for Net

Net Adjective Synonyms: make, realize, clear, take home, bring in, earn, pocket, take in, get
Net Noun Synonyms: network, netting, mesh, mesh-work, web, webbing, openwork, lattice, lattice-work, trellis, trellis-work, lace-work, reticulum, reticle, rete, plexus, grid, grid-work, grille, grate, grating, fretwork, sieve, screen, strainer, sifter
Net Verb Synonyms: catch, capture, trap, entrap, snare, ensnare, bag

Net Investment

Business / Finance / Net Investment: Gross, or total, investment minus depreciation. MORE

Net Investment Income Per Share

Business / Finance / Net Investment Income Per Share: Income received by an investment company from dividends and interest on investments less administrative expenses, divided by the number of outstanding shares. MORE

Net Ionic Equation

Science / Chemistry / Net Ionic Equation: A net ionic equation is an ionic equation with all DEFINE[spectator ions'>spectator ions eliminated. For example, Ag+(aq) + NO3-(aq) + Na+(aq) + Cl-(aq) = agcl(s) + Na+(aq) + NO3-(aq) is an ionic equa MORE

Net Interest Cost (NIC)

Business / Finance / Net Interest Cost (NIC): The total amount of interest that will be paid on a debt obligation by a corporate or municipal bond issuer. MORE

Net Income Before Taxes

Business / Finance / Net Income Before Taxes: Total revenues minus total expenses except the income tax expense, for a specified time. Also known as pretax income. MORE

Net Income (Or Net Loss)

Business / Accounting / Net Income (Or Net Loss): A measure of the overall performance of a business entity: equal to revenues minus expenses for the period. MORE