Nearby Preposition Synonyms: close by, close at hand, not far-off or -away, in the vicinity or neighborhood, within (easy) reach, about, around
Nearby Verb Synonyms: close, within reach, handy, accessible, at or to hand, adjacent
Business / Finance / Nearby Futures Contract: When several futures contracts are considered, the contract with the closest settlement date is called the nearby futures contract. The next (or the 'next out') futures contract is the one that settle MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Response Analysis: For any linear system, an input function Xi(t) and an output function X0(t) can be related according to the formula: X0(t) = oi4xi (t ?€“ J)W(J)dj + noise(t), where W(J) is the impulse response of MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Corrected Current: A relatively short series of cur-rent observations from a subordinate station to which a factor is applied to adjust the current to a more representative value based on a relatively long series from a MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Satellite Station: A station that has agreed to rebroadcast the transmission of another station (generally operating in a larger nearby market) to an area that cannot otherwise be served by that station. MORE
Technology / Motors / Inductance: The characteristic of an electric circuit by which varying current in it produces a varying magnetic field which causes voltages in the same circuit or in a nearby circuit. MORE
Science / Chemistry / Interference: The amplitudes of waves moving into the same region of space add to produce a single resultant wave. The resultang wave can have higher or lower amplitude than the component waves. See constructive in MORE