Business / Finance / Mutual Exclusion Doctrine: The tenet that rules municipal bond interest is federal tax-free. In return for this federal tax exemption, states and localities cannot tax interest generated by federal government securities.
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Doctrine Verb Synonyms: teaching, body of instruction, precept, principle, tenet, dogma, article of faith, canon, conviction, creed, belief, credo, opinion, idea, concept, theory, proposition, thesis, postulate
Exclusion Noun Synonyms: ejection, eviction, expulsion, ouster, removal, riddance
Exclusion Verb Synonyms: lockout, shut-out, ban, bar, prohibition, interdiction, forbiddance, denial, refusal, disallowance, proscription
Mutual Verb Synonyms: reciprocal, reciprocated, requited, interactive, complementary
Business / Accounting / Mutual Funds: Investment companies that pool money from shareholders and invest in a variety of securities, including stocks, bonds, and short-term money market assets. MORE
Business / Finance / Mutual Fund Theorem: A result associated with the CAPM, asserting that investors will choose to invest their entire risky portfolio in a market index or mutual fund. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Mutual Mortgage Insurance: Insurance premiums and other specified FHA revenues are paid into one of four FHA funds. Losses due to foreclosure are met from these funds. MORE
Business / Finance / Mutual Offset: A system, such as the arrangement between the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) and Singapore International Monetary Exchange (SIMEX), that allows trading positions established on one exchange to be o MORE
Science / Astrology / Mutual Reception: Two planets placed in each other's sign of essential dignity are in mutual reception, 'en rapport'. Mutual reception provides a harmonious link between planets not in aspect and strengthens the aspect MORE
Business / Finance / Mutual Fund Custodian: A commercial bank or trust company that holds securities owned by a mutual fund and sometimes acts as transfer agent for the mutual fund. MORE