Business / Finance / Monetary Gold: Gold held by government authorities as a financial asset.
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Monetary Noun Synonyms: pecuniary, cash, money, fiscal, financial, capital, numismatic, nummular, nummary
Business / Finance / Golden Parachute: A bonus a securities firm pays to attract an employee from a competing firm. MORE
Lifestyle / Wine Grapes / Golden Muscat: Hardy, productive vine derived from a (Moore's) Diamond and Muscat Hamburg variety cross. Suitable for white wine production. Tendency to have high acid content in cool climate regions if not fully ri MORE
Entertainment / Liquor / Golden Rum: Also known as anejo, a light-bodied rum of golden color from Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. This rum, though still of the light bodied type, has more taste and pronounced character than wh MORE
Entertainment / Tennis / Golden Set: Winning a set without losing a point MORE
Entertainment / Baseball / Golden Sombrero: 0 for 4 with 4 strikeouts. MORE
Entertainment / Tennis / Golden Slam: Winning the grand slam and the tennis olympic gold medal in a calendar year MORE