Momentum Indicators

Business / Finance / Momentum Indicators: Indicators used in market analysis to quantify the momentum of upward and downward price movements.
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Other Words for Momentum

Momentum Adjective Synonyms: energy, force, drive, strength, impetus, power, inertia, impulse, thrust, push

Momentum Investing

Business / Taxes / Momentum Investing: A momentum investor focuses on stocks that are rising in value on increasing daily volume, and avoids stocks that are falling in price or that are perceived to be undervalued. The logic is that when a MORE

Momentum Indicators

Business / Finance / Momentum Indicators: Indicators used in market analysis to quantify the momentum of upward and downward price movements. MORE


Science / Chemistry / Momentum: Momentum is a property that measures the tendency of a moving object to keep moving in the same direction. Increasing the speed of an object increases its momentum, and a heavy object will have more m MORE

Monetary Indicators

Business / Finance / Monetary Indicators: Economic indicators of the effects of monetary policy, such as the condition of the credit market. MORE

Organochromic Indicators

Science / Chemistry / Organochromic Indicators: Colored organic compounds that change color when they chelate different metals. Organochromic indicators are used to determine the endpoint in complexometric titrations. Examples of organochromic indi MORE

Sentiment Indicators

Business / Finance / Sentiment Indicators: The general feeling of investors about the state of the market, such as whether they are bullish or bearish. MORE