Maximum Capital Gains Mutual Fund

Business / Finance / Maximum Capital Gains Mutual Fund: A mutual fund whose objective is to produce capital gains by investing in small or risky rapid-growth companies.
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Other Words for Capital

Capital Noun Synonyms: head, top, crown, cap
Capital Adjective Synonyms: chief, main, major, important, cardinal, central, principal, prime, primary, paramount, pre-eminent, foremost, leading

Other Words for Fund

Fund Adjective Synonyms: supply, stock, reserve, store, pool, cache, reservoir, repository, mine
Fund Noun Synonyms: finance, back, capitalize, stake, support, pay for, endow, grant, subsidize

Other Words for Maximum

Maximum Noun Synonyms: most, utmost, uttermost, greatest, peak, extreme, extremity, pinnacle, top, highest, (upper) limit

Other Words for Mutual

Mutual Verb Synonyms: reciprocal, reciprocated, requited, interactive, complementary


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No-Load Mutual Fund

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