Business / Finance / Marginal Cost: The increase or decrease in a firm's total cost of production as a result of changing production by one unit.
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Cost Noun Synonyms: sell for, get, fetch, bring in, set (someone) back
Cost Verb Synonyms: price, outlay, payment, charge, expense, expenditure, rate, tariff
Marginal Noun Synonyms: borderline, minimal, small, slight, negligible, insignificant, tiny, infinitesimal
Business / Accounting / Landed Costs: The total costs involved when importing goods. They include buying, shipping, insuring and associated taxes. MORE
Business / Finance / Lease Acquisition Cost: The legal fees and other expenses incurred when acquiring a lease. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Life Cycle Costing: In property management, comparing one type of equipment to another based on both purchase cost and operating cost over its expected useful lifetime. MORE
Health / Pilates / Intercostal Muscles: The muscles that run diagonally between each rib (also known as rib cage abs). Intercostals help to control the expansion and contraction of your rib cage when you breathe. MORE
Business / Finance / Information Costs: The rise in the stock price following a dividend signal, or publication of some other related news. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Indirect Management Costs: Expenses in a budget of a real estate agency or parent company the are partially attributable to the operation of a management department. MORE