Investment Strategy Committee

Business / Finance / Investment Strategy Committee: A committee within a brokerage firm that conducts research and makes recommendations on the firm's stated investment strategy.
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Other Words for Committee

Committee Verb Synonyms: council, board, cabinet, panel, body, commission

Other Words for Strategy

Strategy Adjective Synonyms: plan, tactic(s), design, policy, procedure, scheme, blueprint, game or master plan, scenario

Net Present Value Of Future Investments

Business / Finance / Net Present Value Of Future Investments: The present value of the total sum of NPVs expected to result from all of the firm's future investments. MORE

Normal Investment Practice

Business / Finance / Normal Investment Practice: The investment history of a customer, which is used as a benchmark to test the bona fide public offerings requirement of the allocation of a hot issue. MORE

Overlay Strategy

Business / Finance / Overlay Strategy: A strategy of using futures for asset allocation by pension sponsors to avoid disrupting the activities of money managers. MORE

Net Investment Income Per Share

Business / Finance / Net Investment Income Per Share: Income received by an investment company from dividends and interest on investments less administrative expenses, divided by the number of outstanding shares. MORE

Net Investment

Business / Finance / Net Investment: Gross, or total, investment minus depreciation. MORE

National Committee On Quality Assurance (NCQA)

Health / Dentistry / National Committee On Quality Assurance (NCQA): An independent, nonprofit organization which assesses the quality of managed care plans, managed behavioral health care organizations and credentials verification organizations. MORE