Intermarket Surveillance Information System (ISIS)

Business / Finance / Intermarket Surveillance Information System (ISIS): A database that distributes information from all the major stock exchanges in the United States.
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Other Words for Information

Information Adjective Synonyms: knowledge, data, facts, intelligence, message, word, advice, news, tidings, report, communication, info, low-down, dirt, dope, gen, bumf, poop

Other Words for Surveillance

Surveillance Adjective Synonyms: observation, watch, scrutiny, reconnaissance

Other Words for System

System Adjective Synonyms: organized whole, organization, set, group, combination, structure, arrangement, pattern, set-up
System Noun Synonyms: scheme, method, approach, modus operandi, way, procedure, methodology, technique, plan, process, practice, routine

Next Generation Water Level Measurement System (NGWLMS)

Science / Tides and Currents / Next Generation Water Level Measurement System (NGWLMS): A fully integrated system encompassing new technology sensors and recording equipment, multiple data transmission options, and an integrated data processing, analysis, and dissemination subsystem. MORE

Network Basic Input - Output System (NetBIOS)

Technology / Computers / Network Basic Input - Output System (NetBIOS): A commonly used networking protocol originally developed for LANs. Operates on the Session and Transport layers of the OSI model, so doesn't make use of physical network characteristics. MORE

Non-Identifying Information

Lifestyle / Adoption / Non-Identifying Information: The medical and social history along with other information exchanged between birth parents and adoptive parents without using names, addresses or other identifying information of both parties. MORE

Nonpublic Information

Business / Finance / Nonpublic Information: Information about a company that is not known by the general public, which will have a definite impact on the stock price when released. See: Insider trading. MORE

North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)

Business / Agriculture / North American Industry Classification System (NAICS): Standard industrial classification codes have been replaced in the 1997 Census of Agriculture by the new North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). NAICS is a unique, all-new system for cl MORE

Nonsystematic Risk

Business / Finance / Nonsystematic Risk: Nonmarket or firm-specific risk factors that can be eliminated by diversification. Also called unique risk or diversifiable risk. Systematic risk refers to risk factors common to the entire economy. MORE