Insurance Settlement

Business / Finance / Insurance Settlement: The law of averages. The average outcome for many independent trials of an experiment will approach the expected value of the experiment.
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Other Words for Insurance

Insurance Verb Synonyms: assurance, surety, indemnity, indemnification, guarantee or guaranty, warranty, bond, security, protection, cover

Other Words for Settlement

Settlement Noun Synonyms: payment, defrayal, discharge, liquidation, satisfaction, settling, quittance, clearing, clearance
Settlement Verb Synonyms: colony, outpost, post, camp, community, encampment, village, hamlet

Participating Life Insurance Policies

Business / Finance / Participating Life Insurance Policies: Life insurance that pays dividends to policyholders depending on the company's success as provided by few claims and profitable underwritings and investments. MORE

Permanent Insurance

Business / Taxes / Permanent Insurance: Permanent insurance is a life insurance policy that provides a death benefit as long as you live, or in some cases until you turn 100, provided you continue to pay the required premiums. With this typ MORE

Portfolio Insurance

Business / Finance / Portfolio Insurance: A strategy using a leveraged portfolio in the underlying stock to create a synthetic put option. The strategy's goal is to ensure that the value of the portfolio does not fall below a certain level. MORE

Owners Title Insurance

Business / Real Estate / Owners Title Insurance: An insurance policy protecting the buyer for the amount of the purchase price in the event of a future title dispute. MORE

Nonparticipating Life Insurance Policy

Business / Finance / Nonparticipating Life Insurance Policy: Life insurance policy whose policyholders do not receive dividends, because they are not participants in the interest, dividends, and capital gains earned by the insurer on premiums paid. MORE

Named Perils Insurance

Business / Finance / Named Perils Insurance: An insurance policy that names specific risks covered by the policy. MORE