Informationless Trades

Business / Finance / Informationless Trades: The speed and accuracy with which prices reflect new information.
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Program Trades

Business / Finance / Program Trades: Orders requiring the execution of trades in a large number of different stocks at as near the same time as possible. Also called basket trades. Related: Block trade MORE

Trades By Appointment

Business / Finance / Trades By Appointment: Individuals who take positions in securities and their derivatives with the objective of making profits. Traders can make markets by trading the flow. When they do this, their objective is to earn the MORE

Informationless Trades

Business / Finance / Informationless Trades: The speed and accuracy with which prices reflect new information. MORE

Information-Motivated Trades

Business / Finance / Information-Motivated Trades: Trades that are the result of either a reallocation of wealth or an implementation of an investment strategy that acts only on existing information. MORE

Flat Trades

Business / Finance / Flat Trades: A tax which is levied at the same rate on all levels of income. Antithesis of progressive tax. MORE

Basket Trades

Business / Finance / Basket Trades: Related: Program trades. MORE