Business / Finance / Companion Bonds: A term used to refer to a financial statement in which all items are expressed as percentages of another item in the statement. For example, a common-sized balance sheet might show all values as a percentage of total assets.
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Companion Noun Synonyms: vade-mecum, manual, handbook, guide, reference book, enchiridion
Companion Adjective Synonyms: fellow, associate, comrade, colleague, confrŠre, mate, buddy
Business / Finance / Long Bonds: Bonds with a long current maturity. The 'long bond' is the 30-year U.S. Treasury bond. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Mello-Roos Bonds: Based on passage of the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982, certain housing tracts may be within what are called community facilities districts where special taxes are assessed to finance des MORE
Business / Real Estate / Mortgage Revenue Bonds: A type of tax-exempt industrial development bond offered by state and local governments through their housing financing agencies. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Municipal Bonds: Bonds issued to finance public improvements such as parks, schools and urban renewal projects. MORE
Business / Accounting / Junk Bonds: Bonds issued by companies in weak financial condition with large amounts of debt already outstanding: these bonds yield high rates of return because of the high risk. MORE
Business / Finance / Investment-Grade Bonds: A bond that is assigned a rating in the top four categories by commercial credit rating companies. S&P classifies investment-grade bonds as BBB or higher, and Moody's classifies investment grade bonds MORE