Business / Finance / Block House: Brokerage firms that help to find potential buyers or sellers of large block trades.
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Block Noun Synonyms: piece, chunk, hunk, lump, slab, stump, brick, cube
Block Verb Synonyms: obstruct, close off, barricade, bar, shut off, hinder, hamper, balk, impede, prevent
House Noun Synonyms: legislature, legislative body, congress, parliament, assembly, council, diet
House Adverb Synonyms: residence, dwelling, dwelling-place, home, abode, household, homestead, domicile, lodging(s), quarters, building, edifice
House Verb Synonyms: family, line, lineage, dynasty, clan, ancestry, strain, race, blood, descendants, forebears
Technology / Computers / Logical Block Addressing (LBA): In a system using an enhanced BIOS and Operating System that supports the use of LBA, it would then be possible for the computer to use a larger hard drive. LBA allows for use of a unique sector numbe MORE
Business / Real Estate / Lot-And-Block (Recorded Plat) System: A method of describing real property that identifies a parcel of land by reference to lot and block numbers within a subdivision, as specified on a recorded subdivision plat. MORE
Science / Astrology / Ninth House: Also known as the House of Philosophy. It represents religion, travel, foreign countries, in-laws, higher education, publishing, import/export and ethics. MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Leader In The Clubhouse: The player with the lowest score having completed regulation play MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Lamp House: Light tight housing of an enlarger or projector, which contains the light source. MORE
Science / Astrology / Individual Houses: Houses one, five and nine, all ruled by natural fire signs. The common function of these houses is oriented toward the self. As a group, they form the Trinity of Life. MORE