Business / Finance / Before-Tax Profit Margin: The ratio of net income before taxes to net sales.
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Margin Noun Synonyms: edge, border, perimeter, periphery, rim, lip, side, brink, verge
Profit Verb Synonyms: advance, further, be of profit to, benefit, promote, aid, help, be advantageous or of advantage, serve, avail, improve
Profit Noun Synonyms: advantage, avail, good, benefit, welfare, gain, value, interest,efulness, literary behoof
Business / Finance / Pre-Tax Earnings Or Profits: Net income before federal income taxes are subtracted. MORE
Business / Finance / Penultimate Profit Prospect (PPP): The second-lowest-priced of the ten highest-yielding stocks in the Dow Jones Industrial Average that is said (by authors O'Higgins and Downes) to be the Dow stock with the best possibility of outperfo MORE
Business / Taxes / Paper Profit (Or Loss): If you own an asset that increases in value, any increase in value is a paper profit, or unrealized gain. If you sell the asset for more than you paid to buy it, your paper profit becomes an actual pr MORE
Business / Finance / OTC Margin Stock: Shares traded over-the-counter that can be used as margin securities under Regulation T. MORE
Business / Accounting / Profit: The positive difference between total revenue from a business or investment, minus total expense. See Gross profit , Net profit , and Profit and Loss Account . MORE
Business / Accounting / Profit And Loss Account: An account made up of revenue and expense accounts which shows the current profit or loss of a business (ie. whether a business has earned more than it has spent in the current year). Often referred t MORE