Business / Finance / Asset Allocation Mutual Fund: A mutual fund that rotates amoung stocks, bonds, and money market securities to maximize return on investment and minimize risk.
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Asset Noun Synonyms: talent, strength, advantage, resource, benefit
Fund Adjective Synonyms: supply, stock, reserve, store, pool, cache, reservoir, repository, mine
Fund Noun Synonyms: finance, back, capitalize, stake, support, pay for, endow, grant, subsidize
Mutual Verb Synonyms: reciprocal, reciprocated, requited, interactive, complementary
Business / Finance / Nonreproducible Assets: A tangible asset with unique physical properties, like a parcel of land, a mine, or a work of art. MORE
Lifestyle / Travel / Nonrefundable Tickets: A no money back purchased ticket. Airlines usually allow customers to 'reuse' the same amount of the ticket purchased in future travel for a little fee. MORE
Business / Finance / Nonrefundable: Not permitted, under the terms of an indenture, to be refundable. MORE
Business / Finance / Not-Sufficient-Funds Check: A bank check having insufficient funds to back it. MORE
Business / Finance / Objective (Mutual Funds): The fund's investment strategy category as stated in the prospectus. There are more than 20 standardized categories. E.g. Aggressive growth, balanced. MORE
Business / Taxes / Open-End Mutual Fund: Most mutual funds are open-end funds. This means they issue and redeem shares on a continuous basis, and grow or shrink in response to investor demand for their shares. Open-end mutual funds trade at MORE