Business / Construction / Permit : A governmental municipal authorization to perform a building process as in: Zoning\Use permit -Authorization to use a property for a specific use e.g. A garage, a single family residence etc. Demolition permit - Authorization to tear down and remove an existing structure. Grading permit - Authorization to change the contour of the land. Septic permit - A health department authorization to build or modify a septic system. Building permit - Authorization to build or modify a structure. Electrical permit - A separate permit required for most electrical work. Plumbing permit - A separate permit required for new plumbing and larger modifications of existing plumbing systems.
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Permit Adjective Synonyms: license, authority, authorization, franchise, warrant, pass, passport, visa
Business / Agriculture / Soil Loss Tolerance (T Value): For a specific soil, the maximum average annual soil loss expressed as tons per acre per year that will permit current production levels to be maintained economically and indefinitely. T values range MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Supraaural: Term used in reference to headphones. Supraaural phones rest on the ear, rather than enclosing the ear. Supraaural phones typically are lightweight, and because they do not seal around the ear, tend t MORE
Business / Agriculture / State Inspection Programs: Often refers to the state-run meat and poultry inspection programs to which USDA contributes 50% of the cost. State programs (about half the states use them) must be certified by USDA to be at least e MORE