Business / Construction / NEC (National Electrical Code): A set of rules governing safe wiring methods. Local codes?€”which are backed by law?€”may differ from the NEC in some ways.
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Technology / Motors / NEC Temperature Code (T Code): An index for describing maximum allowable 'skin' (surface) temperature of a motor under any normal or abnormal operating conditions. The 'T' codes are applicable to U.L. Iisted explosion-proof motors. MORE
Business / Construction / NEC (National Electrical Code): A set of rules governing safe wiring methods. Local codes?€”which are backed by law?€”may differ from the NEC in some ways. MORE
Entertainment / Football / Necessary Line: The imaginary line the offense must cross to achieve a new first down. MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Neck: (also 'hosel') the part of the club into which the shaft is inserted MORE
Health / Pilates / Neck Lengthened: An element of good posture achieved by sending energy out the top of the head. A lengthened neck maintains the natural curve of the neck and counteracts compression of the vertebrae that can occur wit MORE
Health / Yoga / Neck Exercises: A warm-up pose. Drop your head and slowly make a circle with your neck. MORE