Business / Construction / Joint Cement Or Joint Compound: A powder that is usually mixed with water and used for joint treatment in gypsum-wallboard finish. Often called 'spackle' or drywall mud.
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Cement Noun Synonyms: mortar, bond, glue, gum, paste, solder, adhesive
Cement Verb Synonyms: stick, glue, paste, solder, weld, braze, bond, join, bind, combine, unite, cohere, hold, cling, adhere
Compound Verb Synonyms: blend, merge, coalesce, combine, unite, fuse or also fuze, come or go together
Compound Adjective Synonyms: composite, blend, synthesis, combination, consolidation, parasynthesis, parathesis, mixture, amalgam, alloy, merging, merger, mix
Compound Noun Synonyms: put together, combine, mix, concoct, compose, make (up), formulate, blend
Joint Noun Synonyms: roast
Joint Verb Synonyms: seam, union, juncture, connection, junction, intersection
Entertainment / Baseball / Out In Order: Retiring the first 3 batters in an inning. MORE
Lifestyle / Time Shares / Ote (Organisation For Timeshare In Europe): A trade association in Europe composed of resort owners and developers. The OTE is similar to ARDA, but with more of an emphasis on consumer affairs. MORE
Science / Biology / Osteoporosis: A disorder in which the mineral portion of bone is lost, making the bone weak and brittle; occurs most commonly in postmenopausal women. MORE
Business / Finance / Out-Of-Favor Industry Or Stock: An unpopular industry or stock that usually has a low price-earnings ratio. MORE
Health / Dentistry / Out-Of-Network Provider: Any health care provider that does not belong to a CIGNA network. Members can use their benefits for out-of-network expenses, but miss out on in-network discounts. MORE
Lifestyle / Travel / Outbound Operator: A company that takes groups from a given city of country to another city or country. MORE