Business / Construction / Electric Resistance Coils: Metal wires that heat up when electric current passes through them and are used in baseboard heaters and electric water heaters.
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Electric Verb Synonyms: charged, tense, energized, stimulating, exciting, thrilling, galvanizing, electrifying, moving, stirring
Resistance Verb Synonyms: defenses
Resistance Noun Synonyms: opposition, defiance, refusal, denial, obstruction, intransigence, rebelliousness, recalcitrance, stubbornness
Business / Construction / NEC (National Electrical Code): A set of rules governing safe wiring methods. Local codes?€”which are backed by law?€”may differ from the NEC in some ways. MORE
Science / Geology / Nuclear Electric Power (Nuclear Power): The generation of electricity using the heat released from a nuclear fuel. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Pest Resistance Management (PRM) Plans: To protect the continued use of biopesticides, the Environmental Protection Agency is requiring companies developing transgenic crops (see genetic engineering) to submit and implement pest resistance MORE
Business / Agriculture / Pesticide Resistance: The evolutionary capacity of pests exposed to a pesticide to develop resistance to that pesticide. Some genetically engineered crops now being marketed are accompanied by pest resistance management pl MORE
Lifestyle / Painting / Moisture Resistance: The ability of a paint or stain to resis swelling, blistering or other damage caused by moisture. MORE
Lifestyle / Painting / Mildew Resistance: The ability of a coating to resist the growth of molds and mildew. Mildew is particularly prevalent in moist, humid and warm climates. MORE