Business / Agriculture / Transfer Of Development Rights (TDR): Property rights that may not be used on the land from which they were derived: usually they are sold from areas where uses are restricted, such as active agricultural areas, to receiving or growth areas where development is being encouraged.
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Development Verb Synonyms: occurrence, happening, event, incident, circumstance, situation, condition, phenomenon
Development Noun Synonyms: evolution, growth, evolvement, maturation, unfolding, maturing, maturity, increase, expansion, enlargement, increment, advance, advancement, progress, improvement
Transfer Verb Synonyms: move, transport, convey, remove, carry, take, deliver, bring, transmit, cart, haul, shift, hand (on or over), turn over, give, pass (on or along or over)
Technology / Computers / Point of Presence (POP): A Point of Presence usually means a city or location where a network can be connected to, often with dial up phone lines. So if an Internet company says they will soon have a POP in Belgrade, it means MORE
Health / Disease / Point Of Exposure: The place where someone can come into contact with a substance present in the environment [see exposure pathway]. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Point Of Beginning (POB): In a metes-and bounds legal description, the starting point of the survey, situated in one corner of the parcel, all metes-and-bounds descriptions must follow the boundaries of the parcel back to the MORE
Entertainment / Football / Playoffs: The post-season tournament that determines the NFL champion. MORE
Business / Accounting / Point Of Sale (POS): The place where a sale of goods takes place, eg. a shop counter. MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Point Of View: The way a story gets told and who tells it. It is the method of narration that determines the position, or angle of vision, from which the story unfolds. Point of view governs the reader's access to t MORE