Business / Accounting / Rule Of 72: A quick way to calculate how long it will take to double a sum of money. Divide 72 by the expected interest rate to determine the number of years (example 72 divided by 8% = 9 years).
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Rule Noun Synonyms: direct, guide, manage, control, lead, head (up), preside (over), superintend, oversee, supervise, regulate, govern, run
Rule Verb Synonyms: regulation, order, law, ordinance, ruling, decree, ukase, statute, principle, direction, guide, guideline, precept
Business / Agriculture / Plant Variety Protection Act Of 1970: P.L. 91-577 (December 24, 1970) was enacted to provide patent-like protection for new non-hybrid seed varieties. The ultimate goal was to create an incentive for public and private research on new com MORE
Health / Disease / Plague Of Justinian: (541-542) The Plague of Justinian was a pandemic that afflicted the Byzantine Empire, including its capital Constantinople, in the years 541?€“542 AD. It has been speculated that this pandemic was MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Place Of Articulation: The point in the oral cavity where the position of speech organs (lips, teeth, tongue, etc.) Is most important for a particular sound. MORE
Business / Finance / Pie Model Of Capital Structure: A model of the debt-equity ratio of the firms, graphically depicted in slices of a pie that represent the value of the firm in the capital markets. MORE
Lifestyle / Painting / Plaster Of Paris: A quick setting, pure white powder, used to set bathroom wall fixtures such as towel racks or used by craft groups for pouring molds and making plaster objects. MORE
Entertainment / Ice Hockey / Playoff Beard: A playoff beard is the superstitious practice of a national hockey league (nhl) player not shaving his beard during the stanley cup playoffs. MORE