Property Dividend

Business / Accounting / Property Dividend: The distribution to shareholders of assets other than cash.
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Other Words for Property

Property Noun Synonyms: characteristic, attribute, quality, feature, trait, mark, hallmark, idiosyncrasy, peculiarity, oddity, quirk, haecceity, quiddity
Property Adverb Synonyms: possessions, belongings, effects, gear, paraphernalia, chattels

Property Dividend

Business / Accounting / Property Dividend: The distribution to shareholders of assets other than cash. MORE

Property Inventory

Business / Finance / Property Inventory: A list of personal property with corresponding values and initial costs often used to substantiate insurance claim and tax losses. MORE

Property Brief

Business / Real Estate / Property Brief: Produced by the listing agent, a property brief is simply a one-page flier about the property pointing out attractive features. It usually contains a drawing or photograph of the home, and is given to MORE

Property Analysis

Business / Real Estate / Property Analysis: A study made to familiarize a property manager with the nature and condition of a building, its relative market position, and its estimated income and operating expenses. MORE

Preferred Dividend Coverage

Business / Finance / Preferred Dividend Coverage: Net income after interest and taxes (before common stock dividends) divided by preferred stock dividends. MORE


Lifestyle / Travel / Property: In the hospitality industry, any lodging facility, such as a hotel or motel. MORE