Business / Accounting / Pay On Delivery: The buyer pays the cost of the goods (to the carrier) on receipt of them.
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Delivery Verb Synonyms: distribution, delivering, deliverance, conveyance, transportation, transport
Delivery Noun Synonyms: liberation, release, deliverance, emancipation
Pay Noun Synonyms: recompense, compensate, remunerate, reward, indemnify, repay, refund, reimburse, pay off, pay out, pay up, satisfy, clear, remit, discharge, liquidate, settle, honor, meet
Pay Verb Synonyms: extend, bestow, transmit, pass on, give, deliver
Business / Real Estate / Open-Market Operations: The buying and selling of government securities by the Federal Reserve to control the amount of money in circulation. MORE
Business / Finance / Open-Market Purchase Operation: A systematic program of repurchasing shares of stock in market transactions at current market prices, in competition with other prospective investors. MORE
Business / Finance / Open-Market Operation: Purchase or sale of government securities by the monetary authorities to increase or decrease the domestic money supply. MORE
Business / Accounting / Open Transaction: A transaction that is not completed at the end of the accounting period: a purchase that has not yet been paid for or a sale where payment is yet to be collected when the accounting period ends. MORE
Technology / Computers / Open Systems Interconnection (OSI): A reference model developed by the International Organization of Standardization. It splits networking into seven layers which provide specific services and communications standards. MORE
Business / Finance / Opening Transaction: Applies to derivative products. (1)Buy or sell transaction that creates a position out of a flat one (writing an option short or buying an option long). Antithesis of closing transaction. (2) First tr MORE